Benefits of Using Montessori-Alzheimer Method

Benefits of Using the Montessori-Alzheimer Method

One of the objectives of all Montessori Alzheimer Centre trainings is to increase stability, loyalty and commitment on the part of staff members by providing a humanizing and creative environment for the cognitively impaired and their caregivers.

This, in turn, will promote greater staff satisfaction and productivity.

At the Montessori Alzheimer Centre, we are committed to giving you proven, functional strategies and tactics to resolve – among other things – the communication difficulties and confusing behaviors often experienced by caregivers and by those with Alzheimer’s disease.

Everyone involved will benefit by using the Montessori method.

It’s truly a win/win!

Once you’ve implemented the Montessori method, you’ll discover the many advantages of the integrated approach and you’ll continue to see more and more benefits, on-going,  through our structured and evolving follow-up program.

We invite you to watch the short video, below ‘Montessori in Aged Care – Changing Lives’ to get an idea of just how much there is to gain from implementing the Montessori method in your organization. It’s heart-warming to watch.